
Saturday 24 April 2010

Things to do before I die

This is my bucket list. A to do list filled purely of fun challenges and things I'd like to experience before I die. I'm not dying but why not start enjoying life that little bit more. So here's my (long) list... ENJOY!

Go camping
Ride a gondola in Venice
Score 150+ score while bowling
Water ski
Go parasailing
Take up Krav Maga
Write 5 songs on guitar
Form a band
Write a song with the band
As a band play a gig
Take a hot air balloon ride
Sky dive
Then add a wing suit ;)
Take a helicopter ride
Scuba dive
Bungee jump
Do an epic zip line
Go zorbing
Go on a Cruise
Swim in the largest pool in Chile
Take up photography
Read 20 of the books on your 100 books to read list
Read 40...
Read 60...
Read 80...
Read 100...
Swim with dolphins
Go on safari
Mush a dog sled
Grow bonsai trees
Donate Blood
Complete the 101 Web achievements to do before you die
Video the first 10 things you do and make a compilation video
Video the rest and make a best of video
Be in 5 R.E.L at once
Identify your 3 biggest achievements of the year
Skinny Dip
Shower in a waterfall
Spend new years in an exotic location
Ask someone I've just met on a date
Go on a road trip
Go on a road trip across America
Spend 3 months getting into ultimate shape
Create your own website
Learn to bartend
Ride something bigger than a horse

Travel & See...
All 7 Continents
Visit Easter island
Terracotta Warriors
Bora Bora
Hong Kong Harbour
Sistine Chapel
Lourve Museum
Golden Temple
Sahara Desert
Learning Tower of Pisa
Burj Al Arab
Dead Sea
Zen Gardens of Kyoto
Grand Canyon
Victoria Falls
Iguazu Falls
Great Barrier Reef
Galapagos Archipelago
Arora Borealis
Fjords Norway
Mardi Gras in New Orleans
Carnival in Rio
Oktober Fest
Athens, Greece
Las Vegas
Buenos Aires
Machu Picchu, Peru
Colisseum, Rome
Petra, Jordan
Christ Redeemer, Brazil
Great Wall China
Chichen Itza, Mexico
Taj Mahal, India
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
Mount Rushmore
Empire State
Statue of Liverty
SeaWorld Orlando Florida
Universal Studios California
Waikiki Beach Hawaii
World cup
Super Bowl

Learn to ski
Learn to sail
Learn to surf
Learn to drive a car
Learn to ride a bike
Learn to fly a plane
Learn french
Get my SCUBA license
Learn one slight of hand magic trick
Learn to juggle 3 balls
Learn to solve a rubiks cube
Get my Masters Degree
Expand my knowledge of wine

Make a difference in at least one persons life
Get an article published in a magazine
Write and publish a book
Create an online art gallery of my art work
Write an E-book
Check off every skill on 75 skills every man should master
Be an extra on tv
Be an extra in a film
Be an extra in a commercial
Create enough passive income so I don't have to work another day in life